Monday, February 17, 2014

Cost of a Farmer Part 1: Will GMOs end world hunger?

So we recently had some comments on our Facebook site from someone who is very pro GMO, I would like to let everyone in on what the current state of GMOs are and why they are killing the family farm. Why 'Big Ag' is driving out the smaller producer.

Firstly, my sweet Hubby and I are trying to go back to the 'simple life'. We want to start by growing our own food to feed our family first, then get a little bigger everyday so we can help feed our community with fresh, organic, local food at a fair price. Here is what I have been learning, and why we are both so passionate about our choices. Here is my open letter to Mr. Brian

Dear Brian,

I understand that you are convinced that GMOs will save the world,
end world hunger, and will be the future of our children. Alas what you have said is based on what they (the big companies who do provide the GMOs) want you to think. You my dear, sweet sir have in fact been brainwashed. Just like people are brain washed into thinking a diet of fast food is 'healthy'. It's all about advertising and the slight of hand you don't see. The 'If consumers don't know it won't hurt us' idea.

In fact my dear Brian, did you know that 1/3 of all food globally produced goes to waste or is lost? ONE THIRD! That's approximately 1.3 BILLION tonnes! That's a lot of food. That equals 7,647,058.82 adult blue whales! Well holy crap! That could feed the world I'm guessing. That's just waste or it's lost. We can in fact feed the world now. . The Wiki defination of food waste is: Food waste or food loss is food material that is discarded or unable to be used. Various political organizations and entities have their own definition of what constitutes food waste. The causes of wasted food are numerous, and occur at the stages of production, processing, and retailing.

I'm assuming that you are a fairly educated man. Your grasp of the English language was quite admirable, thank you for expressing yourself clearly.

I do, in fact know what my Grandfather planted. I can honestly tell you it wasn't GMOs. When a chemical company like Monsanto goes into the agriculture business you have to question why? 
Why when they made Round Up, DDT and Agent Orange and other poisonous plastic materials would want to go into the food business? 
That's a great question. It's not truly about feeding the world, it's about controlling the worlds food supply. Making food that will resist pests, grow taller, bigger, more robust. But at what cost? Cancers, auto immune disorders, birth defects, neurological disorders are sky rocketing! It's not rocket science, you are what you eat. If you put in genetically modified foods into your body you will suffer. GMOs are expensive to grow! When GMO corn seeds hit the market in the 1990s it seemed like a great idea. The seeds cost more but you were using less pesticides, herbicides etc to grow your crop, which in turn gave a slight increase in profits. Slight. Until suddenly the weeds and insects EVOLVED to withstand it. Now you're spraying newer, harsher chemicals, causing your profit margin to change into a loss. Basically GMOs are bad business. If they are banned in so many countries and regions. Why are they still being produced? I have no idea maybe Monsanto's last ditch effort is to sue non GMO farmers to break them. Small family farms don't have the overhead to fight a large company in court so they roll over and play dead until they are bankrupt and have to sell out. It's a sad future for farmers around the world.

We as women on this page are striving to teach other parents about whole foods which we are so passionate about. The consumers have every right to know what they are eating, where it came from and the animal welfare behind it. We strive to educate ourselves on both sides of the arguments, and make our own decisions. While we choose to teach others the benefits of a whole food diet (eating real food). Just think about what we call organic our grandmothers called food!

So no my friends GMOs will not solve world hunger. Becoming smart shoppers and supporting our local farmers so they can continue on their path of real food communities will prevent food waste and being smart about what we buy. Buy in season, use all parts you can, and buy what you will use. Not only saving you money but saving your health, and sustaining a valuable resource, our farms and natural resources.

I thank you for your time and bringing up somethings that people may be questioning.

I will be posting about the costs of farmers to keep up to 'Big Ag' soon keep your eyes peeled.

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